The Whole Self

The mind body and spirit reflect each other and contribute to our quality of life. If we eat a poor diet we can manifest dis-ease. We can have a very healthy diet but be filled with resentment or shame and manifest dis-ease. We can eat healthy, be a wonderful giving person but be filled with obsessive thoughts and manifest dis-ease. 

Healing happens when we can have a balance between mind, body and spirit. When you can heal all three, you can become whole. 

We are the 35th sickest country in the world. Our disease rates are rising at alarming rates for both adults and children. Cancer, autoimmune disease, mental illness, infertility, diabetes, heart disease, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and obesity are just some of these diseases. Many children and teenagers are unable to enjoy playing, and learning because they are suffering with physical and/or mental illness.

We at Be Authentic You, want to change these awful statistics. Please join us on our mission.

Harvard University reported, studies found that each younger generation has a higher risk of getting cancer before the age of 50. This means if things stay the same, babies born today have a much higher risk of getting sick. This fact is unacceptable!